Saturday, January 15, 2011

Random Thoughts of the Day

Before diving into the main topic, I'd like to inform the world that Afghanistan stole my Zune sync cord. I used it in Kuwait and packed it up before leaving. Now, all of the sudden, it's gone. Just goes to show you nothing, including land, is above thievery.

My time at Bagram Airfield has been interesting. I've met people from all over the world, and they were kind enough to introduce me to whatever pathogens they brought from their home countries. I occasionally have a Frank Burns moment and ponder at all the foreigners on base. Then I remember I'm one of those foreigners. I get a good chuckle at the irony of it all, but folks walking by tend to get freaked out when they see an armed man laughing to himself.

I've taken quite a few pictures so far, but haven't been able to upload them due to the connection speed being on par with glacier retreats. Trust me, they're great pics! If you've never seen Bagram on a map (and chances are you weren't interested until just now), it looks like it's in a valley. I assure you that's a lie. We're completely surrounded by mountains. It's like that movie The Running Man, but instead of a futuristic wasteland, it's just a bunch of tall mountains. I'm not sure if people run for their lives through the mountains wearing spandex, but I wouldn't put anything past the crazies among us.

I guess that's it. When you're as serious as I am, you seldom have random thoughts. But I'll leave you with this bit of “WTF?!”: I ran into U.S. Coast Guard personnel the other day. Look at a map of Afghanistan, and laugh to your heart's content.


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