Friday, February 18, 2011


28 Jan 11

Afghanistan has cobras. This isn't some type of school yard proclamation like, “Sally has cooties”; or “Billy has lice”! No friends, it's much more serious than that. As far as I'm aware, this country has been inhabited by cobras for quite a while. Ordinarily that's not necessarily a bad thing. But ordinarily I'm not in Afghanistan. In fact, I've done a fantastic job living on continents where cobras are only allowed to exist in captivity. (Let's hear it for freedom!) Now that I'm here, the reality of cobras occupying the same territory as me is a little unnerving.

Don't get me wrong...I'm not usually the type to stick my nose in other ecosystems. I've always believed if Asia wanted to be home to animals such as the man-eating tiger, the man-eating monkey, and those stupid panda bears (that are just dying to eat people), it was simply none of my business.

North America's ecosystem is much easier to understand. Most things that could eat you will let you know it was coming. It's an ingenious design on nature's part. Anyone who has ever cleaned an animal prior cooking it knows how messy it can be. If the large animal gives you a few minutes to think about your fate, you're likely to  evacuate your bowels in short order. VIOLA...self-cleaning dinner! Alligators are a different story, but as long as you steer clear of Florida, you're good there. But back to the cobra issue.

The obvious solution to this cobra problem is a combination of mongoose...s (or mongeese...whatever!) air dropped into Asia, and rapid deforestation. Give the cobras no refuge!


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