Friday, February 18, 2011

Welcome to Jalalabad!

24 Jan 11

I finally made it to Jalalabad (which will be referred to as the much shorter and easier to spell 'J-bad' from now on)! Actually I arrived a while ago, but get on board with the excitement anyway. I could describe the location and terrain of the J-bad area, but why expose myself to such mundane...uh, mundaneness when I can let the World Wide Web do all the work.

It's been over a week since I updated the blog. Let's just say I've experienced some 'minor setbacks'...if one can consider a grand conspiracy of global proportions 'minor'. The good news is I have internet access at  speeds far exceeding the stuff I had at Bagram. The bad news is the restrictions are, shall we say 'severe'. I knew there would be limited content available, which is why I resigned myself to halting work on the 'Chris Jones Emporium of Internet Gambling and Other Shady Endeavors' until I returned home. Still...these  restrictions border on lunacy! Most images are blocked, so I can't Google myself (RATS!). Facebook is blocked, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Worst of all, my blog is blocked! I'll scope out the FOB for other internet options. We have a Green Beans and a MWR here. Hopefully one of them has a Wi-Fi hotspot.

Since I know you're wondering, “what the heck is Green Beans”; it's Asia's answer to Starbucks. 'Asia' the continent, not 'Asia' the group.

I've got a pretty sweet set-up here in J-bad. I have an entire shipping container to myself! Don't let the mental image fool you, it's a five-star set-up.

Well, that's it for this installment. Time to see if I can find an internet  spot that will let me upload a blog. Otherwise, I'll be stuck stockpiling entries until I find some decent internet!  If I'm really lucky, I'll be able to play blackjack while I wait.

Until next time!


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