Friday, February 18, 2011


After an exhaustive search, I've finally found a way to update my blog. Okay, “exhaustive” may be a slight exaggeration. Let's just say I 'stumbled across' the solution. I thought about just giving up on it all together, but I asked myself: “What would Rick Astley do?”

If you said 'dance', then you're nothing more than an 80's poser who obviously missed his videos. The correct answer is never gonna blog up. And never gonna let YOU down. After all, I do this for you.

I've written several entries with the intention of posting them when I have a chance, so rather than interrupt the seamless continuity of those entries, this entry will be dedicated to a few things I've learned in-theater so far.

- Little things can make all the difference during a deployment. For instance, the fine folks at the dining facility do a great job offering a variety of meals for us. Stuffed peppers is one of my favorites dishes. Before you read the previous sentence again, the term 'stuffed peppers' is singular in that we're talking about a dish. Therefore it wouldn't be “stuffed peppers are” unless you're discussing a quantity of said dish. Now that we've resolved that issue, back to the stuffed peppers. It was a bad choice. I won't get into the details, but I'm fairly certain the secret ingredients were E-Lax and botulism. Oh well...maybe they'll be better next time. Yes, I will try them again. I like to live dangerously.

- Bingo night is a big deal. Any other time I'd scoff at the chance to win a second-rate chick flick. Throw a bingo card and a few chips into the mix, and all bets are off. The grand prize was a $15 gift card. EVERYONE wanted that card. Alas...I didn't win it. Heck, I didn't win anything. There's always next month.

- The ability to eat whenever you want, as many times as you want, can be a bad idea. I have a good system in place: a Clif Bar for breakfast, a couple of sandwiches and a salad for lunch, and a decent dinner. All in all, probably about 1800 calories. “Where is he going with this?”, you're wondering. Well, I was behind this individual at the sandwich bar and he was complaining about how he's gained 50 pounds while deployed. That's right folks...50 pounds! “You're supposed to eat five meals a day”, he continued complaining. “I eat breakfast, then I hit the sandwich bar about mid-morning. Then I eat lunch, followed by a couple of  sandwiches in the afternoon. Then I eat a big dinner so I'm not hungry at night. Hmmm, can't argue with that logic. It won't be long before we're reading about the wall to his house being cut out so they can get him to the hospital...on a flat-bed truck.

That's it for now. I have to get ready for Salsa Night.

And they better have enough chips!


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